The Australian Institute of Physics Women in Physics Lecture Tour celebrates the contribution of women to advances in physics. Under this scheme, a woman who has made a significant contribution in a field of physics will be selected to present lectures in venues arranged by each participating branch of the AIP. Nominations are currently sought for the AIP WIP Lecturer for 2016.
An equitable gender balance in physics would be beneficial for the quality of research and education, which are key elements in the economic, social and cultural development of our Society. The under-representation of women in physics is very widely debated and is central for a Society caring about the well-being of its members.
We publish short portraits of successful young physicists showing that physics is not reserved only to men.
Barbara Marchetti is a young Italian scientist who after having obtained a PhD in Physics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2011 and a Post Doc position in Germany, is now Primary Investigator of the linac for SINBAD, a project hosted at DESY in Hamburg. The SINBAD facility will provide long term Research and Development infrastructure for the production of ultra short bunches and novel compact acceleration techniques with high field gradient. Accelerator physics is a domain where women are still underrepresented.
In August 2015 Barbara Marchetti [BM] was interviewed by Lucia Di Ciaccio [LDC], chair of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the EPS.
It is a great pleasure to announce that the Spring 2015 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics goes to Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Institut des Matériaux, EPFL, Switzerland. Prof. Fontcuberta i Morral has made pioneering contributions to the physics of semiconductor nanostructures and their applications in mesoscopic physics and energy harvesting.
After a PhD in Materials Science at the Ecole Polytechnique (France), and a postdoctoral contract at the California…
It is a great pleasure to announce that the Autumn 2014 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics goes to Prof. Anne L’Huillier, Faculty of Engineering, LTH in Lund, Sweden.
Anne is one of the key leaders in a field at the interface of atomic and molecular physics and advanced optics, nonlinear optics and laser physics: high-order harmonic generation [HHG] in gaseous media exposed to intense laser fields and its applications.
The EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics has been given by the EPS Executive Committee to Prof. Nynke Dekker of the Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, and we offer our heartfelt congratulations.
A laudation has been prepared by Prof. van der Hagen, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the Delft University of Technology, and can be read in the Europhysicsnews [EPN]. As a summary, N. Dekker’s scientific career started in Yale University where she attended physics and applied mathematics courses. She moved to Leiden University for…
The European Physical Society is pleased to announce a new quarterly award celebrating women in physics. The excellence award, which is to be presented by the EPS Gender Equality in Physics Committee, will be given in recognition of female physicists who show excellence in research and mentoring.
Nominations for the award may be made by any EPS member. The nominee, however, need not be a member of the society. To put forward a candidate, please email the following information to the EPS Secretariat…