For two weeks at the start of April, the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste was home to 6 enthusiastic and dedicated young women scholars from Palestine and Morocco. Four of them are senior undergraduates from Bethlehem University in Palestine, 2 are currently graduate students from Beni Mellal University in Morocco, and all are members of their respective EPS Young Minds sections.
PLANCKS (Physics League Across Numerous Countries for Kick-ass Students) is an annual international physics contest for bachelor and master students.
The three-day event consists of a symposium, the contest itself, an excursion, an informal get-together (with drinks and a party) and the awards ceremony. During the contest, around 150 physics students will try to answer challenging physics exercises.
In 2015 PLANCKS will be held in Leiden, The Netherlands, from the 22 to 24 May. The symposium will be held in a …
The International Association of Physics Students [IAPS], the Dutch umbrella organization for physics study associations [SPIN] and the physics students association in Utrecht [A–Eskwadraat] have launched a new contest challenging physics (under)graduate students. The first edition of the Physics League Across Numerous Countries for Kick-ass Students [PLANCKS] will be organised in April 2014 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
The competition focuses on theoretical physics problems to be solved by participating teams. Some sample…