On 16 May 2018 the first International Day of Light celebrated the vital role of light and related technologies in science, culture and art, education and sustainable development. More than 600 events were held in 87 countries reaching hundreds of thousands of people, and a spectacular afternoon and evening celebration was also held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.
News from Naturwissenschaftliches Forum (Liechtenstein Section of EPS)
We are glad to announce that we reached 100 activities in over 40 countries worldwide registered in our IDL2018 Event Programme. Many individuals and organizations are helping us to shape up an exciting programme of activities for people around the world to celebrate the central role that light plays in the lives of the citizens of the world in areas of science, culture and art, education, sustainable development, and in fields as diverse as medicine, communications and energy by creating their own events.
PARIS, 14 November 2017: The 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference has today proclaimed the date of May 16th as the International Day of Light. The proclamation of this annual International Day will enable global appreciation of the central role that light and light-based technologies play in the lives of the citizens of the world in areas of science, technology, culture, education, and sustainable development.