
EPS Executive & Staff activity for February 2016

By . Published on 22 March 2016 in:
Events, March 2016, , ,

1-2 February 2016: David Lee, EPS secretary general, attended the Partners Meeting of the EU funded project “Inspiring Science Education” in Cascais, Portugal.

4-6 February 2016: John Dudley, EPS vice-president, represented the EPS at the IYL 2015 Closing Ceremony in Merida, Mexico.

11 February 2016: Christophe Rossel, EPS president, was invited to the National Instruments Company [NI] Big Physics Summit at CERN, Switzerland, to talk on “EPS and its role in promoting physics research for economic, technological and social advancement”. 

12 February 2016: David Lee, Xavier de Araujo, EPS graphic designer and Gina Gunaratnam, EPS communication coordinator, attended the EPN Core Group meeting in Paris, France.

18. February 2016: Christophe Rossel participated in the EPS Historic Site ceremony in commemoration of Ernst Mach scientific activity at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. He gave a talk at a special seminar session. Marian Reiffers, member of the EPS Executive Committee, attended the ceremony.

23 February 2016: John Dudley, represented the EPS at the French national IYL 2015 Closing Ceremony at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, France.

24-25 February 2016: The EPS secretariat hosted the second meeting of the EPS Strategy Review Working Group, chaired by Martina Knoop.

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