September 2018 | Facts and Info from the European Physical Society | e-EPS |
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![]() Editorial: The EPS revises and enlarges the recruitment of its Associate MembersThe European Physical Society (EPS) is an umbrella organisation and learned society gathering 42 Member Societies representating 130,000 physicists. It involves more than 3500 individual members, 17 Divisions and Groups and more than 40 Associate Members. So far, the current Associate Members have mostly consisted of small-sized companies, universities or governmental organisations. [read more] |
![]() The EPS will award the Vladilen Letokhov Medal in 2019 for exceptional achievements in laser-matter interactionThe list of the most creative Russian physicists, active during the Russian empire, the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation, includes almost 100 famous names who deeply impacted and shaped all modern physics. [read more] |
![]() Yes, we canImagine a group of PhD students and young PhD degree holders who have wanted to make something meaningful for young physicists in Ukraine together for years. [read more] |
![]() 2018 ESPD Prizes awardedThe European Solar Physics Division board is delighted to present the 2018 ESPD Prize winners. [read more] |
SESAME hosts its first usersOn 17 July 2018, the first users arrived at SESAME to perform experiments using the Centre’s XAFS/XRF (X-ray absorption fine structure/X-ray fluorescence) spectroscopy beamline, SESAME’s first beamline to come into operation. [read more] |
Lasers provide first evidence that light can stop electronsBy hitting electrons with an ultra-intense laser, researchers have revealed dynamics that go beyond ‘classical’ physics and hint at quantum effects. [read more] |
EPS AMOPD: call for nominations for the Young Scientist PrizeThe call for nomination for the Young Scientist Prize of the Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Division of the EPS is open. [read more] |
49th International Physics Olympiad, IPhO2018The 49th edition of the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO2018) took place in Lisbon, from 21 to 29 July. [read more] |
PolarQuest: Mission accomplished! Expedition achievements and highlightsPolarquest 2018’s sailboat Nanuq has successfully completed the circumnavigation of the Svalbard archipelago closing the loop in Isfjord. [read more] |
SPIDER 4 ITER: the largest Ion Beam Source in the world has been switched onThere is a big step forward at Consorzio RFX (the fusion research unit in Padova, Italy – partners: CNR, ENEA, INFN, Università di Padova, Acciaierie Venete Spa): SPIDER, the full-scale ITER negative ion beam source prototype has entered into operation. [read more] |
Visualising ultra-fast phenomenaProfessor Carsten P. Welsch, EuPRAXIA’s Director of Communication, Group Leader at The Cockcroft Institute and Head of Physics at Liverpool University, explains how the EuPRAXIA network is collaborating to design the world’s first plasma-based accelerator with industrial beam quality. [read more] |
Science by WomenThe Women in Africa foundation, true to its mission of contributing to the development of Africa through its women, is launching the fourth edition of the SCIENCE BY WOMEN programme with the aim to promote African women’s leadership in scientific research and technology transfer and to foster the capacity of the research centres in their home countries. [read more] |
Petition for an increased EU Budget for Research and InnovationThe European Commission, under the leadership of Commissioner Carlos Moedas, has recently published its proposal for Horizon Europe, the upcoming European Research and Innovation Programme for the period from 2021 to 2027. [read more] |
Diversity Prize of the Dutch Physical SocietyThe Netherlands’ Physical Society (NNV) is searching for institutes or departments which are doing an excellent job of the promotion of diversity and gender equality within the organisation. To honour these institutes, the NNV has established the NNV Diversity Prize. [read more] |
EPS Executive Committee and Staff activities in summer 2018The EPS works to support its members. Click here for the list of the activities of EPS Executive Committee and Staff activities. [read more] |