May 2014 | Facts and Info from the European Physical Society | e-EPS |
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![]() Editorial —
![]() The Fabra ObservatoryThe Fabra Observatory in Barcelona, Spain was recognised as an EPS Historic Site during a specific event held on 9 May 2014. Since 1904 the Fabra Observatory is one of the characteristics of the skyline of Barcelona. It was built by the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona – which 2014 commemorates its 250th anniversary – under the direction of two academicians, Eduard Fontserè... [read more] |
![]() Blackett Laboratory, place of dozen discoveriesThe Blackett Laboratory, home of the Department of Physics of the Imperial College based in London, United-Kingdom, was designated as EPS Historic Site on 30 April 2014. The... [read more] |
![]() International Year of Light NewsPhilatelic IYL 2015 in LiechtensteinThe yellow IYL 2015-stamp with a facial value of 0.55 CHF and... Tell us about your events for the global IYL2015 calendar! The global IYL2015 website will be live in a month or so, but... [read more] |
![]() An unconventional 4-quark particleOn 9 April 2014, researchers at the LHCb experiment published a paper validating the existence of an exotic particle, which appears to be a tetraquark. The LHCb spokesperson Pierluigi Campana said: “We are very happy to have confirmed... [read more] |
EPS Council 2014The Council of the European Physical Society [EPS] met at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy on 4-5 April 2014. Over the two day meeting, Council delegates listened to presentations summarising the activity of the EPS in 2013, as well as programmed activities... [read more] |
Shaping science policy in EuropeThe Lisbon Strategy was adopted by the Heads of State and Government of the European Union [EU] in 2000. By moving science into a central position for the development of a European knowledge-based economy and society, its... [read more] |
EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics — Spring 2014It is a great pleasure to announce that the spring 2014 EPS Emmy Noether... [read more] |
How physics impacts Italian economyIn 2013 the Italian Physical Society [SIF], in collaboration with some of the major Italian research institutions, Centro Fermi, CNR, INAF, INFN and INRIM, commissioned an... [read more] |
One conference to bring them allThe community of experts in the fields of accelerator and large experimental physics control systems has grown effectively from the early 1930′s. Since 1989, the ICALEPCS biennial conference series highly contributes to support... [read more] |
Exhibition on Radu Balescu’s lifeAn exhibition on Radu Balescu’s life (1932-2006) was held from 6-20 May 2014 at the Library of Human Sciences of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Radu Balescu was... [read more] |
Good results for ISE and the best is yet to comeThe partners of the Inspiring Science Education [ISE] project have begun to see the result of their work during the first year of the project... [read more] |
Executive and Staff Activity for April 2014The EPS works to support its members. Find below for the list of the activities of EPS Executive Committee and staff for April 2014... [read more] |
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