April 2017 | Facts and Info from the European Physical Society | e-EPS |
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Editorial – Physicists marched for scienceThe global event « March for Science » took place on 22 April 2017 in 500 cities worldwide, including 20 in France. More than 5000 people took part in the march organised in Paris, including many directors of large research centres and members of the French Academy of Sciences. [read more] |
Winter 2016 Emmy Noether distinction presented to Patricia BassereauOn 20th March, the Winter 2016 Emmy Noether distinction was presented to Dr. Patricia Bassereau (Institute Curie of the CNRS in Paris, France), by the EPS Equal Opportunity Committee (EOC) Chair, on behalf of the EPS President. [read more] |
From Turkey to Japan: the key point is to know what you wantGülfem SÜSOY DOĞAN is a young researcher in nuclear physics at Istanbul University. She obtained a Master degree in 2010 and a PhD degree in 2015 from the Istanbul University Nuclear Physics Division. [read more] |
EPS Special Activity Fund – first call for projects openThe EPS Council decided to establish the EPS Special Activity Fund in 2016.The dual purpose of this fund was to allow donors to contribute to a fund to finance projects that go beyond the standard EPS activity, and to allow organisers to apply to the fund for EPS financing. [read more] |
EPS is a partner of CREATIONSHow can young people’s interest in science be increased? 16 partners from ten European countries want to break new ground. In CREATIONS, a project funded by the European Union, they develop creative approaches based on art for an engaging science classroom. [read more] |
Optical fingerprints can reveal environmental gasesMore efficient sensors are needed to be able to detect environmental pollution. Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have proposed a new, sophisticated method of detecting molecules with sensors based on ultra-thin nanomaterials. [read more] |
The EPS Conference DepartmentThe European Physical Society has established 3 different formulas of conference managing for its Divisions and Groups, as follow: [read more] |
New insights in accelerator-driven systemsAs part of EUCARD2 activities, and co-sponsored by EPS Technology and Innovation Group (TIG), a workshop on the status of new developments in Accelerator-Driven Systems or ADS was held at CERN on February 7-9. [read more] |
ICSU Grants ProgrammeThree Projects are being awarded under the 2016-2019 Grants Programme: [read more] |
One major step towards the design of controlled thermal expansion materialsThermal expansion is critical in many technological applications and its control represents a challenge for the material design. [read more] |
Launch of the committee “Lumière et Société”In 2015, the International Year of Light (IYL2015) encountered a big success in France. Hundreds of events organised through the country touched thousands of people and saw the emergence of a community driven by projects involving light. [read more] |