The International Symposium on Laser Physics and Spectroscopy, held on 11-12 November 2019 at the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISAN) in Troitsk near Moscow, was an exceptional event, organised specifically to celebrate the 80th jubilee of Vladilen Letokhov, former vice-director for research of this institute.
The 2019 Vladilen Letokhov Medal is awarded to Prof. Dr. Ferenc Krausz, Director of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) and Chair for Experimental Physics & Laser Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich. The prize is awarded to Prof. Krausz “for his contribution to the development of high-field laser physics, in particular for pioneering attosecond physics, through which real-time views of electron motion in atoms, molecules, and solids have become possible”.
The European Physical Society, The Quantum Electronics and Optics Division, The Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Division and The Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences are happy to announce the 2019 Vladilen Letokhov Medal.
The list of the most creative Russian physicists, active during the Russian empire, the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation, includes almost 100 famous names who deeply impacted and shaped all modern physics. Every physicist should know the tribute we owe to Lev Landau, Leonid Mandelstam, Nikolay Basov, Vitaly Ginzburg, Alexander Prokhorov and so many other Russian scientists.