The EuroScience Open Forum 2020 Trieste is really coming alive. From today until 15 June 2019 it will be possible to submit proposals for the scientific programme of the event, which will take place from 5 to 9 July 2020 in the Old Port of the city.
For the first time since the fall of the Berlin Wall, faults and fractures are opening up in the political landscape of Europe which pose severe threats to science and scientific cooperation. The Brexit is only the most spectacular development to this day; populist, isolationist, and anti-European movements are on the rise in other European countries, or are in power already. A continued erosion of European cohesion will violate fundamental values and undermine best practices which all physicists take for granted today: free cross-border collaboration, unrestricted communication and mobility of researchers and students, and equal access to European funding and infrastructures.
In 2015, the European Commission recognised that a dialogue was needed among relevant stakeholders to support the development of Open Science for the benefits of the European research system. To tackle this issue, the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation set-up the Open Science Policy Platform [OSPP].
One essential question today is how much responsibility must scientists take in advising politicians on science policy issues and other society challenges.
In an article that appeared in EPN45/3 in 2014, entitled ‘Climate change can we afford to wait longer?‘ I expressed my personal view on the need to communicate on important and timely environmental issues. This was an easy process since this opinion was that of a single author. In the meantime, the EPS has published a position paper written by its…
At the EPS Council meeting, which took place on 27-28 March in Bad Honnef (DE), a round table was organised on the topic of “Influencing European Commission Science Policy”. The round table attracted the attention of the participants and triggered interesting discussions. The scientific and industrial communities need to provide their viewpoints to science policy makers. EPS needs to define its own strategy and continue its collaborations with other learned societies and organisations representing different scientific fields to speak with a coherent voice in the EU.
The presentations at the round table were centred on these issues with specific inputs related to the experience of the organization (or company) represented by the speaker.
The Lisbon Strategy was adopted by the Heads of State and Government of the European Union [EU] in 2000. By moving science into a central position for the development of a European knowledge-based economy and society, its adoption at political level seems to have been a powerful catalyst for the increased involvement of scientists in science policy in the EU.
Recognising the need for scientists to act collectively in order to contribute to shape the future of science policy in…
Three community driven initiatives in 2013 have provided an opportunity to high-energy particle “to build a compelling science case for major research facilities in Asia, Europe and the US. They identified ways to increase the scientific return on society’s investment and to spread the benefits of forefront physics research to developing countries.”
An article in the January/February 2014 CERN Courier describes how learned societies have provided valuable input into the planning process for future high-energy particle physics facilities…
In January 2013, a working group of the CERN Council met in Erice, Italy, to draft an updated strategy for medium…
Published every two years since 1999, the OECD STI Scoreboard 2013 – Innovation for Growth analyses the major trends in knowledge and innovation in today’s global economy. Through statistical indicators it presents a policy-oriented review of science, technology, innovation and industrial performance in OECD and major non-OECD countries.
As stated in the Foreword of the document, “the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2013 draws on the latest internationally comparable data to uncover the strengths of OECD and other leading economies and…
In early July, the European Physical Society [EPS] brought together in Panormo, Greece, experts in science education for a workshop to define the framework for the development of the European Science Education Academy [ESEA].
In 2009, a meeting was held under the auspices of the EPS to discuss among stakeholders how to better coordinate activities in physics education. The participants recognised the need to work together on issues such as ensuring high-level pedagogic content and to increase teachers’ effectiveness in schools. The promotion of a…