It is a very exciting time for European and international physics, and I am honoured and delighted to serve as the EPS president for the coming two years. I am also extremely lucky to be assuming this role when EPS in such a wonderful position, with so many new initiatives put in place during the last two years. For this, I would like to take this opportunity to express sincere thanks on behalf of all EPS members for the dedication and hard work of our outgoing president Luisa Cifarelli.Physics in the coming years and decades faces some pressing challenges. As physicists, we need no convincing…
President-elect John Dudley has been awarded the French National Centre for Scientific Research [CNRS] silver medal 2013 for his scientific achievements in the fields of nonlinear optics, ultrafast photonics, optical techniques and supercontinuum generation. John’s research activities focus equally on experimental and theoretical studies in nonlinear optics, with particular emphasis on optical fibre propagation, ultrafast metrology, noise and instabilities, and nonlinear dynamics in general. Rogue waves and the analogy of optics and hydrodynamics approaches are among his actual research interests. John is a co-laureate of an ERC Advanced Grant to study the mathematics and physics…