Ágnes Kóspál is an astrophysicist who worked as a postdoc in the Netherlands at Leiden University and at the European Space Agency after obtaining her MSc in physics and astronomy, and her PhD from Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary.
In 2013, the European Physical Society launched the Emmy Noether Distinction to recognise noteworthy women physicists.
Andrea Blanco-Redondo is a young researcher, an expert in integrated nonlinear and topological photonics in silicon-based materials. She just took a position with Nokia Bell Labs, Holmdel, USA.
Donna Strickland was awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics for her invention of the chirped pulse amplification (CPA) technique with Gérard Mourou in 1985. This technique amounts to stretching a short pulse at low energy through diffraction gratings, then amplifying it to high energy before finally compressing it in order to get a short, high energy pulse. This technology opened the route to petawatt lasers used in high-field science, ultrafast imaging and spectroscopy techniques, eye surgery, and many industrial applications such as micromachining, to mention a few.
It is a great pleasure to announce that the Winter 2018 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics goes to Dr. Chiara Mariotti from INFN, Italy, and CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
It is a great pleasure to announce that the Winter 2017 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics goes to Dr. Françoise Remacle from the University of Liege in Belgium.
On 1st December 2017, the Emmy Noether distinction was presented to Dr. Catalina Curceanu (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy), by the EPS Equal Opportunity Committee (EOC) Chair, on behalf of the EPS.
On 20th March, the Winter 2016 Emmy Noether distinction was presented to Dr. Patricia Bassereau (Institute Curie of the CNRS in Paris, France), by the EPS Equal Opportunity Committee (EOC) Chair, on behalf of the EPS President.
Gülfem SÜSOY DOĞAN is a young researcher in nuclear physics at Istanbul University. She obtained a Master degree in 2010 and a PhD degree in 2015 from the Istanbul University Nuclear Physics Division. She worked as a guest researcher at Osaka University in 2014-2015 (based in Japan) and participated in nuclear physics experiments at Caen-France GANIL, at Tokyo HIMAC Research Centre and at Yale University.
It is a great pleasure to announce that the Autumn-Winter 2016 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics goes to Dr. Patricia Bassereau from the Institute Curie of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, France. Patricia is a world leader at the Physics-Biology interface and carries out outstanding research on the physics of bio-membranes. She is a role model for how soft matter scientists coming from the physical sciences can make contributions in biology.
Rocío Borrego Varillas is a young postdoctoral researcher in Physics, who after graduating from the University of Salamanca in Spain, obtained a Marie-Curie fellowship. She is at present Research Fellow at the Politecnico of Milano where she works in the field of ultrafast spectroscopy in the UV range.
It is a great pleasure to announce that the Spring-Summer 2016 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics goes to Dr. Eva Monroy from the Institute for Nanoscience and Cryogenics (INAC) of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique in Grenoble, France. Eva is involved in outstanding research work on nitride semiconductors nanostructures and has designed and achieved nitride quantum structures that have allowed her to demonstrate the shortest emission wavelength from intersubband transition in a material system.