Dear Readers,
There has been plenty of breaking news in physics this month; from the Nobel Prize awarded to our American colleagues, Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess, for their discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe; to the intriguing results, obtained in Europe, on the velocity of muon-neutrinos.
The neutrino velocity has been measured with unprecedented precision in the OPERA experiment…
Nominations for the 2012 EPS CMD Europhysics Prize are now open. The prize – one Europe’s most prestigious awards in the field of condensed matter physics – is awarded every two years, in recognition of excellent work in the field, by one or more individuals.
The prize will be given at a ceremony during the 24th EPS CMD General Conference, which is being held on 3-7 September 2012 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, in the United Kingdom…
The EPS’s Caterina Biscari has been featured in the Spanish daily newspaper El País. Biscari, a member of the EPS Executive Committee, was interviewed at the 2011 International Particle Accelerator Conference as part of the paper’s “Breakfast with…” column – where she discussed the role of women in science.
The full interview can be read, in Spanish, on the El País website. Alternatively, an English translation can be viewed through Google Translate.
The fifth EPS Forum Physics and Society – looking at Physicists in the marketplace – will be held at CERN, in Switzerland, between 28-29 March next year. The meeting will focus on the challenges experienced by physicists who pursue alternative careers in the marketplace, outside of teaching and university based research.
The first part of the meeting will revolve around the invited keynote contributions, defining the issues concerning physicists who enter the global marketplace. The forum will then split into groups to discuss the different aspects and to draft reports…
The first in a series of features, e-EPS has posed some questions, on the state of physics today, to the Honorary Members of the European Physical Society. This month, we interviewed Michèle Leduc.
Please describe what, in your opinion, are the main challenges in physics research. This can include discoveries to be made, questions to be answered, contributions to society and the economy…
Passion for Light, the Joint EPS-SIF International Workshop which will launch the idea of an International Year of Light (IYOL) in 2015, will take place on 16 September. For the first time with any EPS conference, proceedings will be simultaneously available in a webcast.
The live, streamed video of the event, direct from the beautiful venue of Villa Monastero – at Varenna, Lake Como, Italy – will be provided by the INFN CNAF service. The opening addresses and all the scientific lectures will thus…
The EPS Conference Department is open to organise and manage events for the EPS divisions and groups. With over 10 years of experience, the conference team will arrange every aspect of your conference or event – ensuring that your project runs smoothly, looks professional and stays within budget.
Services available include the creation or implementation of a brand, and logo, for your conference; event website design and upkeep; marketing and promotion within the physics community; on-site registration and support…
In view of the 27th IUPAP General Assembly which will be held in London, on 31 October – 4 November this year, an EPS prospectus for thedeclaration of an International Year of Light (IYOL) is being prepared. The preliminary version can be downloaded from the EPS web page.
The prospectus describes the project, which will request the proclamation of the IYOL by the United Nations General Assembly and provides background information to be considered by the International Union of Pure and Applied…
Dear Readers,
Within this, the 5th issue of e-EPS, you will find news about our on-going activities, in our now customary format. We have added a new section dealing with obituaries which are also – alas – to be announced.
The renewal of the EPS website is in progress. e-EPS will, of course, be embedded into this new website, which will include – in addition to the present information – other facilities and services for EPS members, and other visitors…
The 15th general meeting of the European Physical Society will be held in Wroclaw, Poland, on 27 October 2011. The meeting, which will begin at 17.30, will take place in the Regional Centre for Business Tourism.
The general meeting is open to all European Physical Society members. The agenda will include reports from the president, the secretary, and the treasurer.
Since 2007, the High Energy Particle Physics Board of the European Physics Society (EPS) and the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) have been organising jointly a half-day plenary session during the biannual EPS conference on High Energy Physics. This year’s session, which took place in Grenoble in the afternoon of 23 September, marked the start of the process for updating the European strategy in particle physics.
The first European strategy for particle physics was adopted by a special session of the CERN Council in July 2006. The Strategy was defined by 17 statements that were approved by Council and were contained in the Strategy Statement…
The next president-elect of the EPS will be voted in during the 2012 EPS Council meeting, on 30-31 March next year. The Executive Committee has appointed a search committee, which will be chaired by the current EPS vice-president, Maciej Kolwas.
The other members of the search committee will be Ove Poulsen and Michèle Leduc.
For more information, please write to Maciej Kolwas.