The 39th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and the 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics will be held at the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre in Stockholm, Sweden on 2-6 July this year.
Topics under discussion at the event include: beam plasmas, complex plasmas, dusty and low temperature plasmas, fusion plasmas, fusion research, high energy density plasmas, inertial confinement fusion, laser-plasma interaction, magnetic confinement fusion, plasma applications and technologies plasmas in astrophysics and quantum plasmas…
The 5th meeting of the European Physical Society’s Forum Physics and Society [FPS] was held at CERN, Geneva, on 28-29 March this year. The event, which focussed on the topic of “physicists in the market place”, was held prior to the 2012 European Physical Society [EPS] Council.
The purpose of the meeting was to explore the challenges experienced by physicists, leaving their usual fields of study, who pursue alternative careers outside of teaching and university-based research…
Three University Student Fellowships – of 2,000 euros each – are available from the European Physical Society [EPS] in 2012. The EPS fellowships are given to promising young physics students in recognition of academic excellence.
Applicants should be enrolled, at a European institution, in a physics – or related – degree course at the Masters level (second cycle: post-Bachelor, pre-PhD), or equivalent. Third cycle students and previous EPS fellowship recipients are not eligible…
The Second European Energy Conference [E2C] is being held at the Maastricht Exhibition & Congress Centre, in the Netherlands, on 17-20 April this year. The event, part of a bi-annual series, will act as a forum for the discussion and definition of the role of energy science and research in the future European energy system.
The conference programme will consist of morning plenary lectures, covering overarching subjects of energy and associated climate research, with afternoon symposiums focusing on the essential key fields in the development…
The European Physical Society has become a partner in the third Stakeholders Tune European Physics Studies [STEPS3] network. The project, spanning 2012-15, will bring together 60 institutions – representing 31 European countries – in order to gather input from stakeholders in European physics education.
The aim of the project is to increase the number and quality of physics graduates within Europe and, in consequence, the economic impact of physics. Working groups will investigate topics grouped under three themes…
The second European Nuclear Physics Conference [EuNPC2012] is being held on 17-21 September, 2012, at the Rin Grand Hotel in Bucharest, Romania.
The conference program – covering recent advances in hadron and nuclear physics – will consist of oral and poster sessions in the following fields: accelerators and instrumentation, astroparticle physics, hadron structure and spectroscopy, heavy ion collisions and QCD phases, few body systems, fundamental symmetries…
The 24th Conference of the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division [CMD-24] is being held at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre between 3-7 September this year. The conference is being held in parallel with the 11th European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics [ECSCD-11], the 29th European Conference on Surface Science [ECOSS-29] and the 2012 UK Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference [CMMP-12]…
The next European Physical Society [EPS] council meeting will be held at CERN, Geneva, on 30-31 March this year. The council will see the gathering of around 100 delegates, representing member societies, individual members, associate institutions, divisions and groups.
Elections will take place for both executive committee members and for the EPS president-elect. A large list of executive committee candidates has been formed, covering various European areas and physics fields…
A limited number of grants are available for European Physical Society [EPS] Individual Members to attend EPS Europhysics and sponsored conferences.
Those with an accepted oral or poster contribution to the conference are eligible. Grants are only available to Individual Members whose membership fee payments are up-to-date; only one grant will be awarded per person per year. Applications should be made at least two months before the conference in question…
The Informal Physical Societies Exchange Conference [IPSEC] is organized every two years, in the framework of the Meeting of Polish Physicists by the Polish Physical Society.
The first of such was held during the XXXIVth Meeting of Polish Physicists, in 1997, at Katowice. This event gathered the representatives of seven national societies – from the Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine – and the European Physical Society…
The European Physical Society [EPS] is launching a new Technology and Innovation Group [TIG], in accordance with the EPS Strategy Plan 2010+. This initiative, fostered by the EPS Executive Committee last year, confirms the longstanding role of the EPS in establishing links between industry, research institutes, society and universities within Europe.
The Technology and Innovation Group is hoping to build a close collaboration with the newly created Technology Transfer Offices [TTO] Circle, by means of CERN, which is both a founding EPS member as well as a major player in the TTO…
The European Commission has published the results of its ‘Consultation on scientific information in the digital age’. The survey generated much interest, with 1,140 responses received from 42 different countries. The European Physical Society provided input into the consultation in September last year.
The survey noted a general desire for better access to scientific publications; the vast majority of respondents believing that publications and data resulting from publically funded research should be made open access. In addition…