The 16th EPS General Meeting will be held on 28 October 2013 in Budapest, Hungary at the Danubius Hotel Flamenco 1113 Budapest, Tas vezér tér 3-7. The meeting begins at 14:00.
The meeting is open to all EPS Members: Member Societies, Individual Members and Associate Members. Participants to the General Meeting can register through the 3rd European Energy Conference website.
The agenda for the meeting is: President’s Report; Honorary Secretary’s Report; Honorary Treasurer’s Report…
Many of Europe’s leading research centres and corporations are Associate Members of the European Physical Society [EPS]. Contributions from Associate Members are used to sponsor prestigious prizes, such as the EPS Edison Volta Prize for outstanding contributions to physics. The EPS Technology and Innovation Group actively encourages Associate Members to take part in technology foresight seminars. As Associate Members, research centres, corporations and universities contribute to EPS activities in fields including education, communication and publication.The EPS is pleased to welcome Edison SpA, Europe’s oldest, and Italy’s largest electric company as…
As reported in our previous e-EPS issue, the European Physical Society [EPS] has started a discussion and survey among the European scientific learned societies concerning Open Access.
Today the transition from the current subscription-based system for scientific journals (or from the frequently adopted hybrid author pays/subscription-based system) to full open access is a serious concern. Very recently a statement precisely on the transition to open access was published by Science Europe…
The spring meeting of the Committee for International Scientific Affairs [CISA] of the American Physical Society [APS] took place in Washington DC, on 11 May 2013. The meeting was attended by Luisa Cifarelli as EPS representative.
In a very lively and friendly atmosphere, based on “elective affinities” between the two societies, many relevant matters were discussed. The meeting, organized by Amy Flatten, APS Director for Scientific Affairs, was chaired by Alan Hurd and attended, in particular, by the Chairs (past and elect) of the APS Forum on International Physics [FIP]…
The European Physical Society [EPS] has a unique character amongst international learned societies. It fulfills a central federative role supporting its national member societies and it also carries out many highly successful specific European-scale actions through its Divisions and Groups, its conferences and its publications.
At first sight, it may seem that managing this dual role is intrinsically difficult but I cannot help but think that we make it more complicated than it really is. After all, the goal of the EPS is to support European-scale physics so…
2012 saw three improvements on Individual Membership. The total number of new directly registered Individual Members increased by well over 500 in 2012, showing an upward trend since a dip in 2010.
Even better news as seen on the table and figure is that 24% of the new Individual Members are female, up from under 15% in 2009. We are therefore showing significant progress on both gender balance and overall numbers.
The cherry on the cake is that a carefully targeted conference, the International Conference on…
A Round Table session on Open Access, introduced and moderated by Professor Sir John Enderby, President of the Institute of Physics [IoP] from 2004 to 2006, was hosted during the 2013 EPS Council meeting. Participants with various interests and backgrounds confronted their views on the evolving landscape of scientific publications. Professor Enderby opened the discussions by a presentation of the different, counteracting interests in scientific publications of researchers, funders, librarians and information managers, publishers, small and medium enterprises, and the general public. The recent statements by governments on the implementation of open access [OA]…
The Cyprus Physicists Society [CPS] was presented at EPS Council 2013 as a possible new – the 42nd – Member Society of the EPS.
The CPS president, Dr. Manolis Lioudadkis illustrated the history, membership and activities of this small society. With around 300 members, mostly pre-university teachers, the CPS is engaged in many education and outreach programmes, such as F1 for schools and the International Physics Olympiads…
On the occasion of the EPS Council 2013 in Strasbourg, a memorandum of understanding [MoU] was signed between the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Societies [EuCheMS] and the European Physical Society [EPS] by presidents Ulrich Schubert and Luisa Cifarelli.
EuCheMS and EPS share many objectives, such as community building, scientific excellence, communication and representation of their respective members to European policy makers. The two Societies recognise that issues in…
The 16th EPS General Meeting will be held on 28 October 2013 in Budapest, Hungary at the Danubius Hotel Flamenco 1113 Budapest, Tas vezér tér 3-7. The meeting begins at 14:00.
The meeting is open to all EPS Members: Member Societies, Individual Members and Associate Members. Participants to the General Meeting can register through the 3rd European Energy Conference website.
The agenda for the meeting is: President’s Report; Honorary Secretary’s Report; Honorary Treasurer’s Report…
It is a very exciting time for European and international physics, and I am honoured and delighted to serve as the EPS president for the coming two years. I am also extremely lucky to be assuming this role when EPS in such a wonderful position, with so many new initiatives put in place during the last two years. For this, I would like to take this opportunity to express sincere thanks on behalf of all EPS members for the dedication and hard work of our outgoing president Luisa Cifarelli.Physics in the coming years and decades faces some pressing challenges. As physicists, we need no convincing…
The 3rd Asia-Europe Physics Summit [ASEPS3] will take place from 14-19 July 2013 in Chiba, Japan as part of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference [APPC12]. The Summit is organised by the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies [AAPPS] and the European Physical Society [EPS].
APPC 12 is a broad spectrum conference devoted to all fields of physics and will include among its plenary speakers two Nobel laureates…