The jury members decided to attribute the Emmy Noether Distinction to Prof. Cristiane Morais Smith, “for her outstanding contributions to the theory of condensed matter systems and ultracold atoms to unveil novel quantum states of matter”.
The summer 2019 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction is awarded to Sarah Köster from the Institute for X-Ray Physics, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany.
On 4 February 2019, the Emmy Noether distinction was presented to Dr. Chiara Mariotti [CM] at CERN. She was interviewed by Luc Bergé [LB], chair of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the EPS.
Natasha Jeffrey is an early career researcher in solar physics at the University of Glasgow, UK, a world-leading solar group. She is interested in solar flare plasma physics and studies the largest explosions in the solar system, solar flares, a key component of space weather. She uses both observational tools and modelling to understand how flares accelerate and transport high energy particles efficiently, a vital topic in all high-energy astrophysics. In 2016, she received the EPS Plasma Physics Thesis Prize and in 2017, the European Solar Physics Division Early Career Researcher Award. In 2018, she will receive the European Geosciences Union ST Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award.