The ATOMINSTITUT (Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics of TU Wien, Vienna, Austria) was designated an EPS Historic Site in 2019 honoring the achievement of Helmut Rauch.
The 2019 EPS Fellows were named and the EPS Gero Thomas Medal was attributed during the EPS Council in Split.
On 20th March, the Winter 2016 Emmy Noether distinction was presented to Dr. Patricia Bassereau (Institute Curie of the CNRS in Paris, France), by the EPS Equal Opportunity Committee (EOC) Chair, on behalf of the EPS President.
On the 29th of October (2016) more than 70 physicists attended the inauguration of the second EPS historic site in Sweden. The Uddmanska house in Kungälv, outside Göteborg, is where the Austrian-Swedish nuclear physicist Lise Meitner was staying when she understood that it was possible to split an atomic nucleus.
The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), located in Princeton, NJ-USA is one of the world’s foremost centers for curiosity-driven basic research. On 9 November 2016, the European Physical Society (EPS) and the American Physical Society (APS) were pleased to offically recognise the IAS as their first Joint Historic Physics Site in the United States. The text of the citation reads: “Honoring the pivotal contributions of the Institute for Advanced Study to the development of theoretical physics, including the work of Albert Einstein and many others.”
It is a great pleasure to announce that the Spring-Summer 2016 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics goes to Dr. Eva Monroy from the Institute for Nanoscience and Cryogenics (INAC) of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique in Grenoble, France. Eva is involved in outstanding research work on nitride semiconductors nanostructures and has designed and achieved nitride quantum structures that have allowed her to demonstrate the shortest emission wavelength from intersubband transition in a material system.
On 4 July 2016, the Autumn-Winter 2015 Emmy Noether Distinction was presented to Prof. Sibylle Günter, Director at the Max Planck Society and Director of the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany, by Prof. Quang Tran, member of the Executive Committee of EPS, on behalf of the EPS President.
Great honour for the Würzburg science: The European Physical Society (EPS) has distinguished the institute where in 1895 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the radiation later named after him. The building is now the third “Historic Site” of the EPS in Germany.
The highest French civil award “Chevalier de la legion d’honneur” was conferred on Sydney Galès for his lifelong excellent achievements in science and his great service to the community. He received the honour on November 9, 2015 from the French secretary of state for Higher education and research. The ceremony took place at the ‘Frederic and Irène Joliot-Curie’ auditorium of the institute of Nuclear Physics of Orsay (IPN-Orsay) in the presence of a large number of French, European and Japanese colleagues. It was an excellent opportunity to reminisce about and contemplate Sydney’s contributions to science and to the community of Nuclear Physics in Europe and worldwide.
We have learned with great sadness that the distinguished Italian theoretical physicist Guido Altarelli passed away on the 30th of September 2015.
Guido was a major figure in the field of particle physics, who made important contributions to the understanding of electroweak and strong interactions, neutrinos, and theories beyond the standard model. He had recently shared the prestigious EPS High Energy Physics Prize
The ceremony declaring the Residencia de Estudiantes as an EPS Historic Site took place on 13 May 2015. It was presided over by EPS President Dr Christophe Rossel, Prof. J. Adolfo de Azcárraga, President of the Spanish Physical Society [RSEF], Prof. Emilio Lora-Tamayo, President of the Spanish National Research Council [CSIC] and Alicia Gómez-Navarro, Director of the Residencia de Estudiantes.
The 2015 Gero Thomas Medal for outstanding contribution to the European Physical Society was awarded to Gerardo Delgado Barrio, from Madrid, Spain for commitment to the EPS in the fields of international scientific cooperation, outreach and education, and physics for development.
As a member of the EPS Executive Committee from 2001 until 2006, G. Delgado Barrio opened up communications channels to Latin America, notably through the creation of the Federation of Latin American Physical Societies. This allowed the development of EPS activities for physics for development. G. Delgado Barrio