The International Conference of Physics Students [ICPS] is a conference organised by physics students for physics students. This annual conference, started in 1986, is the main event of the International Association of Physics Students [IAPS].
ICPS brings together around 450 young researchers from all over the world for a week of learning and exchange. They discuss scientific topics and share information on studying and living in different countries. For many participants it is the first opportunity to present their research to an international audience. As a conference mainly intended…
The GIREP-MPTL International conference on Teaching/Learning Physics: Integrating Research into Practice [GIREP-MPTL 2014] will be held from 7 to 12 July 2014 at University of Palermo, Italy.
The purpose of the GIREP-MPTL 2014 is to bring together people working in physics education research and in physics education at schools from all over the world to allow them to share research results and exchange their experience.
The conference organisers are the Groupe International de Recherche sur l’Enseignement de la Physique [GIREP]…
The 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference [IPAC’14] will take place from 15 to 20 June 2014 in Dresden, Germany.
The conference is organised by the European Physical Society Accelerator Group [EPS-AG] and is a forum for important stakeholders working in the field of particle accelerators to discuss the latest developments in research and technology. IPAC’14 marks the return of this important conference to Europe since its second edition IPAC’11. The conference…
The upcoming ICTR-PHE conference will be held from 10-14 February 2014 at the International Conference Centre of Geneva, Switzerland.
This event is a joint conference that attracts experts in physics, engineering, medicine, computer science and biology, creating a unique opportunity to discuss the latest advances in all these disciplines and to catalyse new collaborations.
The International Conference on Translational Research in Radiation Oncology [ICTR] was first held in 2000…
The 9th Liquid Matter Conference [Liquids 2014] will take place from 21-25 July 2014 at the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Liquids 2014 brings together scientists working in the field researching the liquid state of matter as well as closely related topics, such as soft matter and biophysics. The topics covered in the conference include the physics, chemistry, biology, and chemical engineering of liquid matter as well as several areas…
The 22nd Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases [ESCAMPIG XXII] will be held from 15-19 July 2014 in Greifswald, Germany.
ESCAMPIG XXII is a biannual conference of the European Physical Society [EPS], in which experts on
plasma physics join together to discuss the latest advances in this field. The conference topics comprise basic and applied plasma research ranging from atomic and molecular processes in plasmas and plasma-surface interaction to…
The Quantitative Methods in Gene Regulation II conference [Gene13] will be held from 12-13 December 2013 in Cambridge, United Kingdom.
This meeting, now in its second edition, aims to highlight new biological breakthroughs in this important research area and the crucial contributions from quantitative approaches, both in experiment and modelling.
It will provide a unique opportunity to bring together researchers working in a vasts yet strategic field in disciplines…