The Award for Secondary School Teaching is granted every two years to a high school teacher for a specific contribution to teaching, in particular one that might be applicable in a variety of countries. “Teaching” is interpreted broadly and can include activities that encourage students to study physics or improve their access to physics. Nominations are made by the National Physical Societies.
The 73rd board meeting of the Nuclear Physics Division (NPD) of the European Physical Society (EPS) was held on 13-14 June 2017 in Villa Lanna in Prague, the representative residence of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS).
The EPS works to support its members. Find below the list of activities of the EPS Executive Committee and staff last month:
As part of EUCARD2 activities, and co-sponsored by EPS Technology and Innovation Group (TIG), a workshop on the status of new developments in Accelerator-Driven Systems or ADS was held at CERN on February 7-9.
The EPS works to support its members. Find below the list of activities of the EPS Executive Committee and staff last month:
The 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics international conference [NPAVIII] will be held from 18-21 June 2017 at the INFN – Laboratori Nazionali del Sud in Catania, Italy. NPAVIII is supported by the European Physical Society.
The Quantum Electronics and Optics Division (QEOD) of the European Physical Society (EPS) is soliciting nominations for the biennial prize Research into the Science of Light to be presented at the Nanometa Conference organised in Seefeld, Austria, between 4-7 January 2017.
The Quantum Electronics and Optics Division (QEOD) of the European Physical Society is presently soliciting nominations for their biennial prize Research into the Science of Light. Details of the required material to provide are given below.
The biennial International EPS Conference on High Energy Physics will be held from Wednesday 5 to Wednesday 12 of July 2017 in Venice, Italy. This major conference will cover new physics results and more on Astroparticle physics and Cosmology, Neutrinos and Dark Matter, Flavour and CP violation, Standard Model and Beyond, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Quantum Field and String Theory, QCD and Heavy Ions, Accelerators and Detectors, Outreach, Education, and Diversity.
NANOMETA 2017, The 6th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, will take place from 4 to 7 January 2017 in Seefeld (Tirol), Austria.