Physics is a broad subject, but we are all aware of the way that it is divided into various themes, sometimes very different from each other, sometimes overlapping. Indeed, even when we publish our research, we are guided by schemes such as PACS, which has evolved over the years to encompass all areas of physics.
Within the European Physical Society [EPS], the technical organisation in terms of divisions and groups is similarly structured and has also evolved to cover all subjects in physics as well as areas of common interest such as Physics Education. This provides Individual Members of the EPS with the opportunity to interact with, and network with…
The 7th EPS Historic Site ceremony since 2011 took place on 11 September 2013 on Hven Island, in the municipality of Landskrona, Øresund, Sweden.
Hven is the island where the world famous astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) built the most advanced observatory in 16th-century Europe for visual observation of the sky. His observations were performed using sophisticated quadrants and sextants that he himself designed, without a telescope (Galileo Galilei would be born 20 years later…
The Quantum Electronics and Optics Division of the European Physical Society [EPS-QEOD] awarded its first ever Prize for Research in Laser Science and Applications to Dr. Thomas Udem (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany). More information on the prize is available on the EPS-QEOD website.
The prize was awarded to T. Udem “for significant contributions to the development of optical frequency combs and their extension into the vacuum-ultra-violet region, as well as the realization of applications in astronomy, metrology and ultra-precise fast sensitive spectroscopy”…
On Friday 13 September 2013, the Laboratory of the Linear Accelerator [LAL] and the Laboratory for the Use of Electromagnetic Radiation [LURE] accelerator complex – located in Orsay, France – became the 8th EPS Historic Site. The ceremony took place in the “Pierre Marin” room which hosts ACO, a former collider and storage ring for synchrotron light, now registered French historical monument and open to the public.
After speeches from John Dudley, the President of the European Physical Society [EPS]; Martial Ducloy…
On 16 August 2013, the Federal President of Austria, Dr. H. Fischer and his wife Margit visited the permanent exhibition “Radiation and Mankind” of Echophysics, the history of physics centre located at Poellau Castle, Austria. The exhibit was renovated and expanded in 2013 as part of the development of the Echhophysics centre.
It should have been a strictly private visit to Echophysics and to the V.F. Hess Research and Heritage Centre. Of course, the regional mayors and legislative representatives took the opportunity to join the party, too. Peter Maria Schuster…
Physicists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich [ETH Zurich] have for the first time successfully teleported information in a solid-state system, similar to a computer chip. The major achievement of this study is that the information is not stored and processed based on the laws of classical physics, like conventional computer chips, but on those of quantum physics. The experimental device developed could serve as the basis for future…
The EPS Technology and Innovation Group [TIG] is happy to announce that the European Physical Society, supported by the European Organization for Nuclear Research [CERN] and the University of Bologna will organise its second workshop on 11 and 12 November 2013, in Ravenna, Italy on “Advanced Radiation Detectors for Industrial Use”.
The TIG organises regular workshops that explore various fields of research, and their contributions to other fields of science and industry. This workshop focuses on the most recent technologies for the detection and…
Nominations are now open for the Edison Volta Prize of the European Physical Society [EPS]. The award – intended to promote excellence in research – will be given in recognition of outstanding research and achievements in physics.
The EPS Edison Volta Prize is given biennially to individuals or groups of up to three people. The award consists of a diploma, a medal, and €10 000 in prize money.
The Prize was established in 2011 by the Centro di Cultura Scientifica “Alessandro Volta”, EDISON S.p.A. and the EPS…
The EPS Young Minds Section is now planning its 2nd Science Workshop for Young Minds in late 2013 or 2014, and is asking for volunteers and ideas!
The first “Science Workshop for Young Minds” [SWYM] was held in September 2012 in cooperation with the Institute of Photonic Sciences [ICFO] and involved a week full of activities for high school students interested in optics, photonics and sciences…
The CERN Accelerator School [CAS] and the Norwegian University of science and Technology [NTNU] recently organised a course on Advanced Accelerator Physics. The course was held in Trondheim, Norway from 18-29 August 2013 at the NTNU.
The course followed an established format with lectures in the mornings and practical courses in the afternoons. The lecture program consisted of 32 lectures, supplemented by discussion sessions, private study and…
The European Physical Journal E [EPJ E] has awarded the 3rd Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Lecture Prize to Professor Julia Yeomans from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, for her outstanding contributions in the field of soft matter and biological physics.
The prestigious prize is awarded to outstanding scientists for their contribution to soft matter research and takes its name after the illustrious French Nobel laureate and EPJ E founder Pierre-Gilles de Gennes. The award is sponsored…
The IUPAP Commission on Quantum Electronics C17 is presently soliciting nominations for its biennial Young Scientist Prizes in Quantum Electronics to be presented at the International Optics & Photonics Taiwan Conference in Zhongli, Taiwan, on 5-7 December 2013.
Two prizes will be awarded for outstanding contributions to quantum electronics and its applications made by young scientists with a maximum of 8 years of research experience, counted from the nomination deadline…