The 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics [ICNFP] will be held in Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, from 28 August to 5 September 2013.
The conference aims to promote scientific exchange and the development of novel ideas in science, with a particular emphasis on interdisciplinarity. It will mainly cover the following topics: High Energy Particle Physics; Heavy Ion Physics; Superconductivity, Critical Phenomena; Quantum Physics, Quantum Entanglement; Quantum Field Theory…
The “Science and Technology Advisory Council” will advise European Commission President J.M. Barroso directly on “how to create the proper environment for innovation by shaping a European society that embraces science, technology and engineering.” It “differs from other advisory bodies in the Commission in that it does not have a specific subject remit, but tackles issues that are of cross-cutting nature, with a clear societal dimension.”
The members of the Science and Technology Advisory Council were chosen by JM Barroso, in consultation with…
The 14th edition of the International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems [ICALEPCS] will takes place from 6-11 October 2013 in San Francisco, California.
ICALEPCS is a biannual series of conferences inaugurated in 1987 by a number of control system specialists from accelerator laboratories around the world.
The Experimental Physics Control Systems group [EPCS] of the European Physical Society [EPS]…
The launch of the European Physical Journal [EPJ] in 1998 as a merger of Il Nuovo Cimento, Journal de Physique and Zeitschrift für Physik, triggered a succession of mergers and transformations of existing journals of the founding partners. After 15 years, EPJ is proud to present itself as a continuation of several European journals, with its 9 different sections that cover the main fields of core physics.
The strategy in the last few years to develop journals that target specific needs of the scientific community has…
The Pathway project, financed under the 7th Framework Programme [FP7] is exploring new approaches to inquiry-based science education [IBSE]. Based on the examination of best practices in IBSE, Pathway aims to promote the effective widespread use of inquiry and problem based science teaching techniques in primary and secondary schools in Europe. Running from 2011 to the end of 2013, the project consortium – the European Physical Society included – organizes workshops and events all over Europe and develops guidelines and resources.
Amongst the Pathway tools, the ASK-Learning Design Tool [ASK-LDT] has been designed for teachers…
The Superstripes 2013 conference will be held from 27 May to 1 June 2013 in Ischia, Italy.
Superstripes 2013 will cover many aspect of “quantum in complex matter” including: nanoscale phase separation, complex magnetic structure in cuprates, graphene and intercalated graphite, and more.
The list of the speakers is already available on the conference website.
Registration opens on 27 April 2013…
A new synchrotron radiation [SR] facility, ASTRID2, is being commissioned at Aarhus University. Housed in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, ASTRID2 replaces the current ASTRID source and is designed as a very high brightness source of SR in the range of photon energy of a few eV up to 1 keV. ASTRID2 is a partner in the new EU Transnational Access-program CALIPSO, filling an important niche in SR for European science.
ASTRID2 runs at 580 MeV and will be world-leading in the low photon energy range at <100 eV, with small source…
The new edition of the Balkan Workshop – “Beyond Standard Models” [BW2013] will be held this spring, from 25 to 29 April 2013, in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia.
The series of Balkan workshops has been a very important part of a project of the Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics [SEENET-MTP]. Created in 2003, SEENET-MTP was the initiative of the University of Niš, Serbia, and the Scientists in Global Responsibility project (Wissenschaftler in Global Verantwortung)…
The 3rd Asia-Europe Physics Summit [ASEPS3] will take place from 14-19 July 2013 in Chiba, Japan as part of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference [APPC12]. The Summit is organised by the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies [AAPPS] and the European Physical Society [EPS].
APPC 12 is a broad spectrum conference devoted to all fields of physics and will include among its plenary speakers two Nobel laureates…
President-elect John Dudley has been awarded the French National Centre for Scientific Research [CNRS] silver medal 2013 for his scientific achievements in the fields of nonlinear optics, ultrafast photonics, optical techniques and supercontinuum generation. John’s research activities focus equally on experimental and theoretical studies in nonlinear optics, with particular emphasis on optical fibre propagation, ultrafast metrology, noise and instabilities, and nonlinear dynamics in general. Rogue waves and the analogy of optics and hydrodynamics approaches are among his actual research interests. John is a co-laureate of an ERC Advanced Grant to study the mathematics and physics…
The number of these technicians is small compared to the demand for installation as observed from the PV system sales. This scenario creates a situation where laymen and semi-skilled people exploit the shortfall of skilled installation professionals and claim to be PV installers. As a result, there are many cases of poor system installation, leading to malfunctions, and even complete breakdowns. The need for training people in PV system installation and maintenance cannot be over emphasized.
The Department of Physics at the University of Nairobi has started a training centre for the education…
Since its establishment in 1968, the European Physical Society [EPS] has held a dual role of learned society and federation of National Member Societies. After 45 years, these Member Societies are 41 and the EPS represents a very large and varied community of physicists. One of the main objectives of the EPS is to give them a coherent voice on matters of common relevance, despite the existence of much educational, scientific, social and geographic diversity.
Along this line, one of the crucial issues to be addressed in today’s evolving European scenario is related to…