The Galileo teacher-training programme invites the scientific and education communities to join their efforts and run workshops addressed to teachers in 2014.
Science curricula in schools evolve as the forefront of knowledge is pushed forward. Therefore teachers have to meet scientists and teacher trainers to update their understanding and practices.
The Galileo teacher-training programme encourages workshops with emphasis on both knowledge and…
Most recent highlights from EPL:Symmetry detection of auxetic behaviour in 2D frameworks by H. Mitschke, G. E. Schröder-Turk, K. Mecke, P. W. Fowler and S. D. GuestElectron pockets and pseudogap asymmetry observed in the thermopower of underdoped cuprates by J. G. Storey, J. L. Tallon and G. V. M. Williams
Dynamic jamming fronts by S. R. Waitukaitis, L. K. Roth, V. Vitelli and H. M. Jaeger
If you want to see how EPS works to support its members in different ways, here is a selection of the activities of EPS Executive Committee members and staff for the last month. Click here for the list.
The 15th workshop on high-energy spin physics [DSPIN-13] will be held in Dubna, Russia, from 8 to 12 October 2013.
Organised by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research [JINR], DSPIN-13 is the 15th edition of a series of biennial events.
The workshop will cover a wide range of spin phenomena at high and intermediate energies. This year, about…
The 26th Annual Conference of the Academia Europaea will be held in Barcelona, Spain, on 16 July 2014 under the theme: “Young Europe: realities, dilemmas and opportunities for the new generation”.
The Academia Europaea recently inaugurated a new Knowledge Hub in Barcelona. Operational since January 2013, the Barcelona Knowledge Hub is the Mediterranean and Southern European office of the Academia Europaea (see previous article in e-EPS)…
The 3rd European Energy Conference will be held from 27-30 October 2013 in Budapest, Hungary. This conference is one of the key contributions to EPS initiatives in energy. The third edition is jointly organised with the European Materials Research Society [E-MRS], and the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences [EuCheMS].
An exciting plenary programme has been put together by the chairmen, L. Sarkadi, President of the Hungarian Chemical Society, and N. Kroó, President of the Hungarian Physical Society. Speakers include: Pál Kovacs…
The Advanced Solid-State Lasers congress [ASSL] will be held in Paris, France, from 27 October to 1 November 2013.
This new congress combines the significant research from the topical meetings formally known as Advanced Solid-State Photonics [ASSP], Advances in Optical Materials [AIOM], and Fiber Laser Applications [FILAS].
Topics will cover materials, sources and applications of solid-state lasers. A detailed description of the programme and the congress scope is available on the ASSL website…
The 16th EPS General Meeting will be held on 28 October 2013 in Budapest, Hungary at the Danubius Hotel Flamenco 1113 Budapest, Tas vezér tér 3-7. The meeting begins at 14:00.
The meeting is open to all EPS Members: Member Societies, Individual Members and Associate Members. Participants to the General Meeting can register through the 3rd European Energy Conference website.
The agenda for the meeting is: President’s Report; Honorary Secretary’s Report; Honorary Treasurer’s Report…
The 14th edition of the International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems [ICALEPCS] will takes place from 6-11 October 2013 in San Francisco, California.
ICALEPCS is a biannual series of conferences inaugurated in 1987 by a number of control system specialists from accelerator laboratories around the world.
The Experimental Physics Control Systems group [EPCS] of the European Physical Society [EPS]…
The International Joliot-Curie School will take place from 29 September to 4 October 2013 in Fréjus in the south of France.
With the aim of creating and updating the skills of researchers in the field of Quark-Gluon Plasma and Hadronic Structure, this year’s edition of the Joliot-Curie school will address the topic: “A colourful journey: from Hadrons to Quark-Gluon Plasma”. During the school, two sessions will be dedicated to the students’ posters…