The Great Telescope at Birr Castle, the astounding achievement of one man, has been recognised as a European Physical Society Historic Site. Karl Grandin, Chair of the EPS Historic Sites Committee, represented the Society at a ceremony on September 20, commenting on the Castle’s “remarkable and unique history”.
EPS Members are invited to submit nominations for the EPS Gero Thomas Medal and for the EPS Fellows.
The first ever IOP Technician Awards winners were announced in October. Five winners in four categories – secondary school; further education and higher education; business and/or facilities and team – are the first technicians to be recognised by the IOP.
On September 3 2019 the former Institute of Physics of the University of Frankfurt has been awarded the honorary title “EPS Historic Site” by the European Physical Society.
Nominations are now open for the Edison Volta Prize of the European Physical Society [EPS]. The award – intended to promote excellence in research – will be given in recognition of outstanding research and achievements in physics.
The EPS Edison Volta Prize is given biennially to individuals or groups of up to three people. The award consists of a diploma, a medal, and €10,000 in prize money.
The summer 2019 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction is awarded to Sarah Köster from the Institute for X-Ray Physics, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany.
Discover the first EPS Historic Sites inaugurated from 2014 to 2018 by browsing the flipbook.
Two teams of high-school students, one from the Praedinius Gymnasium in Groningen, Netherlands, and one from the West High School in Salt Lake City, USA, have won the 2019 Beamline for Schools competition.
The Commission on Physics for Development (C13) opens nominations for its IUPAP Physics for Development Medal 2020.
The board of the Nuclear Physics Division (NPD) of the European Physical Society calls for nominations for the 2020 edition of the Lise Meitner Prize.
Discover a video of the Hotel Metropole, EPS Historic Site inaugurated in 2015
All winners of the EPS High Energy and Particle Physics Prizes have been announced.