Water is the most important liquid for our existence on Earth and it plays an essential role in physics, chemistry, biology and geoscience. What makes water unique is not only its importance but also the anomalous behavior of many of its macroscopic properties. For example, density, specific heat, viscosity and compressibility of water behave in ways opposite to other liquids that we know. If we look at a glass of ice water, everything is, in a sense, upside down.
The 75th meeting of the Nuclear Physics Board of the EPS took place in Istanbul on May 28-29 2018. On the first day, the Rector of the University of Istanbul, Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak, welcomed the NPD board in the majestic Rectorate building.
EPS Individual Members can access for free, from the EPS web page, the current latest issues of two appealing journals.
The EPS works to support its members. Find below the list of activities of the EPS Executive Committee and staff last month:
HBSM-2018 Conference (Russia, August 6-12, 2018) – see http://www.hbsm2018.ru.
The programme committee is pleased to announce that a meeting on the Excitonic insulator: New perspectives in long-range interacting systems, will be organised at the CECAM Headquarters, Lausanne (Switzerland) 3-5 September 2018.
The first time I heard about “Emma” Noether was in the course of Fisica Teorica by Nicola Cabibbo at the Rome University. It was an inspiring “discovery” for two reasons. The first is because the Noether theorem we were taught is beautiful, elegant and foundational, the second because “Emma” was finally a woman in a male dominated discipline.
For two weeks at the start of April, the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste was home to 6 enthusiastic and dedicated young women scholars from Palestine and Morocco. Four of them are senior undergraduates from Bethlehem University in Palestine, 2 are currently graduate students from Beni Mellal University in Morocco, and all are members of their respective EPS Young Minds sections.
Petra Rudolf is the next EPS President-elect. She will take up office as the President of EPS in April 2019, when the term of the current President, Rüdiger Voss, comes to an end.
The 2018 FCC Week, jointly organised by CERN, NIKHEF and the University of Twente, brought together about 500 scientists and engineers in Amsterdam to review the progress in the various domains of the study.
Multi-messenger astronomy, neutrino physics and dark matter are among several topics in astroparticle physics set to take priority in Europe in the coming years, according to a report by the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC).
Electrons and positrons accelerated and stored by the SuperKEKB particle accelerator collided for the first time on 26 April 2018 0:38, GMT+09:00 at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan. The Belle II detector, installed at the collision point, recorded events from electron-positron annihilation (matter-antimatter annihilation) of the beam particles, which produced other particles likely including beauty quark and anti-beauty quark pairs as well as other hadronic and Bhabha scattering events (1). These are the first electron-positron collisions at the KEK particle physics laboratory in 8 years; the previous KEKB particle collider ceased its operations in 2010.