On 1st December 2017, the Emmy Noether distinction was presented to Dr. Catalina Curceanu (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy), by the EPS Equal Opportunity Committee (EOC) Chair, on behalf of the EPS.
The European Physical Society, through its Plasma Physics Division, is pleased to announce the Hannes Alfvén Prize 2018 is awarded to Professor Tony Bell FRS of Oxford University
The European Physical Society (EPS) has launched a survey on open science and career development, in collaboration with G. O’Neill, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc) and with the Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) of the European Commission.
UNESCO will inaugurate the first International Day of Light at their headquarters in Paris, France, on 16 May 2018. In addition to the many events taking place worldwide on this day, the flagship inauguration in Paris will bring together an international group of participants to both raise awareness of the many ways that light impacts on modern society, and to consider how advances in light-based science and technology can aid in achieving goals in education and sustainable development. The inauguration will run from 2–10pm during the afternoon and evening of 16 May, and attendees and guests will include science and industry leaders, national delegates and sponsors, diplomats and decision-makers from across the globe, science enthusiasts, and students.
A better representation of women in Physics at all stages of the career is central for all Society caring about the well being of its members. A key element in the career development of physicists is represented by their participation at conferences as speaker, committee member and organiser.
As of 1 January 2018, what were formerly known as “EPS Sponsored Conferences” will be called “EPS Recognised Conferences”.
Science4People conducted a new activity at the Lutheran Evangelical School – Beit Sahour on Saturday, 11/11/2017. The activity was conducted in two steps on two subsequent days.
Career event “Start-Ups: An alternative Career Path in Photonics” On October 18th 2017, the Berlin Optik Student Chapter and our industry partner, OpTecBB, hosted a career event on Entrepreneurship in Photonics. This event was part of Photonic Days Berlin Brandenburg, and an effort to promote Photonics towards the general public. Our speakers were experienced entrepreneurs [...]
The European Physical Society provides a forum for physicists from all sectors to come together to discuss common issues in physics. The EPS counts among its members 42 National Physical Societies, over 3000 Individual Members, and more than 40 Associate members.
With support from the European Physical Society and the Czech Physical Society, Klára Doležálková and Ondrej Cihlar, journalists from the Czech radio station ‘Radio Wave” visited various important research centres across Europe. During each visit, researchers were interviewed to provide insight for the listeners of the radio station into the lives of people that work in physics research. Below is the first hand report from Klára Doležálková.
In the year 2100, temperatures at EPFL are expected to be similar to those currently experienced in Perugia, in central Italy. EPFL researchers have analyzed the campus as if it were a town in its own right in order to come up with specific solutions that bring together biometeorology and architecture and could be implemented in the near future.
The EPS works to support its members. Find below the list of activities of the EPS Executive Committee and staff last month: