This survey is conducting by the Gender Gap in Science project funded by the International Council for Science (ICSU). It is a collaboration among many different organisations. People in mathematical, computing and natural sciences at all levels, including students, are needed to share their career and education experiences.
How to foster sustainability and the impact of European research infrastructures on industry, policy and society was the core of the discussion during the Bulgarian Presidency Flagship Conference held in Sofia, 22-23 March 2018.
Twitter!! Follow the EPL account at @epl_journal; share with your colleagues and networks. NEW! From January 2018, EPL will have a new Editor–in–Chief – Bart van Tiggelen, who has been a Co-Editor for several years. Bart will be taking over from Giorgio Benedek. EPL retains a low APC of only 1,400 euro for publishing articles [...]
The EPS works to support its members. Find below the list of activities of the EPS Executive Committee and staff last month:
EOS biennial Meeting will be held in Delft, Netherlands. The meeting will take place at the Delft University of Technology, in October 08 – 12, 2018 where the latest results in optics and photonics research will be presented.
The 2018 joint meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG) and the European Physical Society (EPS) Condensed Matter Divisions took place in Berlin from 11th to 16th of March 2018.
The EPS Council meeting that took place on 6-7 April 2018 elected the members of the Executive Committee as well as the next EPS President-elect.
The European Physical Society (EPS) awarded following distinctions during the EPS Council 2018 held in Paris from 6-7 April : Honorary Members, Fellows, Gero Thomas Medal, Achievement Award.
To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the European Physical Society interviewed members from the very beginning. Klaus Gottstein, a German physicist and member of the EPS since 1968, kindly answered our questions.
The European Physical Society (EPS), the Fondazione Alessandro Volta and Edison S.p.A. have awarded the 2018 EPS Edison Volta Prize for outstanding contributions to physics to Alain Brillet, Karsten Danzmann, Adalberto Giazotto (†) and Jim Hough.
On 9 April 2018, Dieter Meschede took over the presidency of the German Physical Society (DPG). He succeeds Rolf Heuer, who was president of the world’s largest physical society with about 62,000 members from April 2016 to April 2018 and is now vice president of the DPG on a rotational basis.
News from Naturwissenschaftliches Forum (Liechtenstein Section of EPS)