The European Physical Society has sent letters of support to the physical societies in Japan, as well as the Japanese Embassy in Poland following the earthquake and tsunami.
The European Physical Society (EPS) would like to express its profound sympathy to the Japanese people following the twin catastrophes of the earthquake and the tsunami of 11 March 2011. We grieve with you for the loss of life and destruction. Our thoughts go out to everyone affected by these tragic events…
We could debate endlessly as to whether astronomy is physics applied to the cosmos, and the objects found therein, or whether physics is a special branch of astrophysics, one that deals with the phenomena accessible to the laboratory. What is certain is that both sciences have deep common roots.
The communities of (particle) physics and astrophysics are getting closer now, not only in their intellectual goals, but also through the development and use of common tools, like ground based or space borne telescopes, and laboratory…