From the 22-24 May 2015, the second edition of Physics League Across Numerous Countries for Kick-ass Students [PLANCKS] was held. The event started on Friday with a very successful opening symposium, which hosted over 300 people. The main event, the physics Olympiad, was organised on Saturday. A total of 28 teams from 18 countries took up the challenge, but only the best could be praised with the title of ”Best Physics Students of the World”, and winning the grand prize of …
PLANCKS (Physics League Across Numerous Countries for Kick-ass Students) is an annual international physics contest for bachelor and master students.
The three-day event consists of a symposium, the contest itself, an excursion, an informal get-together (with drinks and a party) and the awards ceremony. During the contest, around 150 physics students will try to answer challenging physics exercises.
In 2015 PLANCKS will be held in Leiden, The Netherlands, from the 22 to 24 May. The symposium will be held in a …