“Teamwork, not only within the borders of a country, but also among countries, has become an imperative necessity of our jet-age era. Advances in the fields of human endeavours are due to a large extent to the cooperation of the best brains and talent available everywhere.” These words were spoken in 1956 by the then [...]
30 years and 9,000 citations later the inventors of the atomic force microscope (AFM) were recognized last year with the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience “for the invention and realization of atomic force microscopy (AFM), a breakthrough in measurement technology and nanosculpting that continues to have a transformative impact on nanoscience and technology.”
This past May, IBM Research announced the Quantum Experience, an experimental cloud-enabled quantum computing platform. The technology essentially made 35 years of IBM’s quantum computing research available to students, researchers and general science enthusiasts, at the click of a button.