The Atominstitut in Vienna was designated an EPS Historic Site
Petra Rudolf, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Seidler, Rector of the Technical University of Vienna und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schumm, Head of Research Area: Quantum Metrology.
The ATOMINSTITUT (Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics of TU Wien, Vienna, Austria) was designated an EPS Historic Site in 2019 honoring the achievement of Helmut Rauch. In a solemn ceremony, held on May 22nd 2019, a commemorative plaque was unveiled by Petra Rudolf (President of EPS), together with Sabine Seidler (rector TU Wien), and Thorsten Schumm (director of the ATOMINSTITUT). Originally founded as an inter-university institute in 1958, at that time under the name “ATOMINSTITUT DER ÖSTERREICHISCHEN HOCHSCHULEN”, the institute opened in 1962 with the commissioning of the TRIGA Mark II nuclear research reactor, the central facility of the institute. As part of the reform of the university system the ATOMINSTITUT was integrated into the structures of the TU Wien in 1998. Today the institute’s activities cover a broad range of research and education, ranging from very fundamental questions about symmetries and interactions in nuclear and particle physics to neutron-, atomic-, quantum-physics and quantum optics to radiation- and reactor physics.
The invention of perfect crystal neutron interferometry at the ATOMINSTITUT in 1974 by Helmut Rauch together with Wolfgang Treimer and Ulrich Bonse, is unquestionable the main reason for the award as an EPS Historic site. In the following years, neutron interferometry was utilized to demonstrate fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics, just to mention the direct test of the 4π symmetry of spin 1⁄2 particle wave functions, the quantum spin superposition law and various gravitational effects. These concepts, first studied in neutron interferometry, are now widely used in fundamental science and in technological applications of quantum physics. The pioneering experiments of Helmut Rauch and colleagues were later carried forward by Gerald Badurek using spin polarized neutrons. It is not an overstatement to say that Helmut Rauch’s experiments crucially contributed to the rise of activities in quantum physics and quantum information in Austria and inspired new generations of physicists worldwide. Finally, it should be mentioned that graduates of Helmut Rauch, such as Kurt Binder, Heinrich Kurz, and Anton Zeilinger, are among the pioneers in the fields of statistical mechanics, nanotechnology, and quantum optics and quantum information.
The ceremony was the highlight of a two-day symposium, entitled ‘Quantum for ever’ – A symposium to honor the designation of the Atominstitut as an EPS Historic site and Helmut Rauch’s 80th birthday. The event was held at the ATOMINSTITUT’s lecture hall on May 21st and 22nd including talks by recognized speaker from all over the world, such as Daniel M. Greenberger, Anthony Klein, and Ferenc Mezei, just to name a few. At the beginning of the EPS Historic Site Award ceremony Peter M. Schuster gave a talk on the inherent challenges history of science bears. Master of the ceremony was Hartmut Abele, Helmut Rauch’s successor in the group of Neutron and Quantum Physics at Atominstitute. He introduced the speaker. The official openings words by Thorsten Schumm, Sabine Seidler, were followed by short statements of Reinhold Koch (Austrian Physical Society – ÖPG), Petra Rudolf (EPS), Gregor Weihs (Austrian Science Fund – FWF) and Elmar Pichl (Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research – BMBWF), before Anton Zeilinger held an emotional laudation, accompanied by historical footage. In his speech, Anton Zeilinger not only honored Helmut Rauch’s experimental achievements, which are recognized worldwide, but also pointed out Helmut Rauch’s long-term impact on the scientific landscape in Austria, in his role as former president of the FWF. The festive setting of the EPS Historic Site event was complemented by the brass quintet “Bichler Brass”.
List of hyperlinks for EPS Webpage:
- Atominstitut:
- TU Wien:
- of perfect crystal neutron interferometry:
- TRIGA Mark II nuclear research reactor:
- ‘Quantum for ever’:
- ÖPG:
- FWF:
- Bichler Brass: