
Prize for Research into the Science of Light call

By . Published on 25 July 2014 in:
Awards, July 2014, , ,

The European Physical Society [EPS] Prize for Research into the Science of Light is awarded on behalf of the EPS through its Quantum Electronics & Optics Division [QEOD]. The prize is awarded every 2 years in recognition of recent work by one or more individuals (no more than three) for scientific excellence in the area of electromagnetic science in its broadest sense, across the entire spectrum of electromagnetic waves.

The first Prize for Research into the Science of Light was awarded during Nanometa 2013 on 3 January 2013 in Seefeld, Austria, to Philip StJ Russell, from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany.

The 2015 edition of the Prize for Research into the Science of Light is now open for nominations. Visit the EPS QEOD website to access the submission form.

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