4th International Conference on the History of Physics
We are pleased to announce that the next in this biennial series will take place at Trinity College Dublin from 17-19 June 2020.
The first three conferences in the series were held at Trinity College, Cambridge UK in 2014, Pöllau, Austria in 2016 and San Sebastian, Spain in 2018. Their aim was to bring together physicists interested in the history of their subject and professional historians of science in the belief that proponents of the two disciplines, with their different perceptions and methodologies, can benefit from interaction and discourse.
Inspired by the recent centenary of two major landmarks in modern physics – nomination of the proton as a fundamental nuclear particle and discovery of the bending of light in a gravitational field – the leading theme of the present conference will be: “On the road to modern physics”.
Presentations on the history of particle physics, general relativity, cosmology and astrophysics will be particularly welcome. However, invited and contributed papers on any topic related to physics history will be considered for inclusion.
We are very pleased to announce that Professor Dame Susan Joyceln Bell Burnell will give the keynote speech to the conference.
The conference is organised by a local committee chaired by Professor Denis Weaire (TCD) and a programme committee chaired by Dr Cormac O’Raifeartaigh (Waterford Institute of Technology).
Further details such as programme, speakers, registration etc. will be posted on the website: http://hop2020.iopconfs.org/Home