Launch of the committee “Lumière et Société”
In 2015, the International Year of Light (IYL2015) encountered a big success in France. Hundreds of events organised through the country touched thousands of people and saw the emergence of a community driven by projects involving light.
To continue the work started during IYL2015, the committee “Lumière et Société” was created with Costel Subran as president and John Dudley, former president of the EPS and of the IYL2015 steering committee, as one of its vice-presidents.
On 9 March 2017, a ceremony took place in Paris, at the Secretariat for Education and Research, to launch the committee. More than 200 participants attended the meeting. Thierry Mandon, state secretary to the minister of Education and Research, opened the event, followed by Costel Subran, Alain Aspect, member of the Académie des Sciences, and John Dudley. Further talks explained the strong impact of light on our everyday life. From imaging processes used in biology to architecture projects involving the course of the sun, all presentations showed the variety of fields using light.
The programme ended with a ceremony for the Jean Jerphagnon Prize, awarding researchers working to innovate and promote optics and photonics in all fields of application. This year’s laureate is Sébastien Février, researcher from the CNRS in Limoges.
More information on the committee can be found at