
EPS Accelerator Group announces 2017 prize-winners

By . Published on 21 March 2017 in:
March 2017, News,

The European Physical Society Accelerator Group (EPS-AG) has announced the winners of the 2107 Accelerator Prizes, to be presented on 18 May during the International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC’17, which will take place in Copenhagen (DK).

Lyndon Evans of CERN, Geneva (CH) will receive the Rolf Wideröe Prize for outstanding work in the accelerator field (without an age limit). He is rewarded for his many major professional accomplishments in the field of accelerator design, construction and operation. These included his contributions to the SPS, where he was essential for converting the SPS to a proton-anti-proton collider that led to the discovery of the W and Z Bosons as well as the design and construction of the LHC which led to the discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012. The LHC at CERN is the most powerful and complex collider ever built and one of the most ambitious science projects. Lyndon Evans’ leadership abilities and experience were essential ingredients for the successful completion of the LHC construction.

The Gersch Budker Prize, for a recent, significant, original contribution to the accelerator field, with no age limit, recognises Pantaleo Raimondi, of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble (FR) for the invention of the Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat HMBA-lattice, reducing the emittance of the ESRF Synchrotron Light Source by a factor of 30, while keeping a large enough dynamic aperture. The design of the cell shows Raimondi’s ability to foster new ideas, his deep understanding of accelerator physics and mastering of technological aspects. The HMBA-lattice has been adopted as the basis for the design for most future 4th generation storage ring light sources (APS-U, Spring8-2, ALS-U, SSRF, IHEP).

The Frank Sacherer Prize, for an individual in the early part of his or her career, having made a recent, significant, original contribution to the accelerator field, is awarded to Anna Grassellino of Fermilab, Batavia, IL (USA) for her major impact on the field of superconducting RF technology, in particular, the improvement of the cavity quality factor Q and more recently the accelerating field gradient and quality factor combined.  The technique of “nitrogen-doping” has already been applied in ongoing accelerator projects including technology transfer to industry around the world. The recent development of “Nitrogen-Infusion” has recently resulted in a major improvement of the maximum field gradient and quality factor combined. Both methods have the potential for revolutionising the field of SC RF and underline the importance of her contributions to the field.

For further information, visit the website of the EPS Accelerator Group.

Anna Grassellino
Anna Grassellino

Pantaleo Raimondi
Pantaleo Raimondi

Lyn Evans
Lyn Evans

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