Nominations for Editor-in-Chief of EPL are open
Nominations are now open for the Editor-in-Chief of EPL, a leading global letters journal owned and published by a consortium of 17 national physical societies in Europe. The Editor-in-Chief [EiC] needs to be a recognised authority and leading researcher in a field of physics, and have a broad knowledge and interest in physics and its frontiers. The EiC will need to demonstrate strong commitment and leadership to further develop EPL as a top-ranking journal. Experience with the editorial process of a physics journal is also desirable. The EiC is central to enhancing EPL’s position as a leading global physics letters journal. The term of office of EPL Editor-in-Chief is three and a half years beginning in July 2017. A job description is available here.
Nominations must include a CV, publication list, and a brief covering letter describing the qualifications and the interest of the individual in the position of EPL Editor-in-Chief. Nominations should be sent to the EPL Editorial Office no later than 15 January 2017 at editorial [dot] office [at] epletters [dot] net.
Further information can be obtained from the Editorial Office in Mulhouse (editorial [dot] office [at] epletters [dot] net).