“Enrico Fermi” School dedicated to the Foundations of Quantum Theory
Triggered by the rapid advance of experimental techniques in quantum optics and the development of the field of quantum technology, the underlying question of the interpretation of quantum mechanics has recently received a lot of attention again.
This “Enrico Fermi” Summer School provides an overview of recent theoretical and experimental developments of the foundations of quantum mechanics to students, post-docs and scientists interested in this field.
The Summer School will take place in the Villa Monastero, Varenna (Italy), from 8-13 July 2016.
We have been able to attract international leaders in experimental and theoretical physics, who will present their research in the following topics:
- History and interpretations of quantum theory
- Principle of complementarity and wave-particle duality
- Quantum theory from first principles
- Reality of the wave function
- Concept of the photon
- Measurement in quantum theory
- Interface of quantum theory and general relativity
- Quantum optical tests of quantum theory
Ample time has been reserved for discussions. Moreover, two poster sessions will enhance the interactions between the participants.
Due to the generous support by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation, the participation fee has been reduced to € 300 for attendance, board, lodging and proceedings.
To obtain further information on the school and registration details, please visit: http://www.sif.it/attivita/scuola_fermi/mmxvi#197