The Dutch Journal of Physics released a special issue on light
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the Dutch Journal of Physics, the e-magazine of the Netherlands Physical Society (Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging – NNV).
With this journal the NNV aim to reach out to the community of physicists with an interest in developments in physics research, industry and education in the Netherlands, but whose knowledge of Dutch is not sufficient for comfortably reading the printed journal. In 2016, the NNV decided to start publishing an English version of the Society’s Journal four times a year under the name Dutch Journal of Physics (DJoP). The quarterly issues of the DJoP will bring articles and items in English compiling the highlights of the latest three issues of the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde.
Another innovation is that the DJoP will be a fully electronic journal that reads comfortably on tablet computers and uses the full-added functionalities, including video and audio content and active links. The first trial issue, released on 3 January this year, is freely available for download from the App Store, or Play Store. We encourage you to look at the Journal and to give us feedback. We would also appreciate your distributing this announcement within your organisation. This first issue is a translation of the 2015 special issue on light.
We wish you a lot of pleasure reading and please remember to fill out the questionnaire at the end of the magazine.
With best regards,
Jan van Ruitenbeek
More information about the Dutch Physical Society and its Journal at following links:
The society, NNV:
The journal, NTvN:
The convention, FYSICA: