Particle accelerators, digital data acquisition, isotope technology, sophisticated detector systems with imaging software… You can find these instruments in a high tech physics research laboratory, or, if you look a bit closer, in a modern hospital as well.
Modern healthcare from diagnostics to therapy is largely based on physics. That is why NuPECC, the Nuclear Physics Expert Committee of the European Science Foundation compiled a report on the impact of nuclear physics in medicine.
The Opening Ceremony of the International Year of Light will take place from 19-20 January 2015 in Paris, France. Attendance at this event is by invitation only.
This first day will start with a high-level session and will include welcome addresses by UN and UNESCO representatives and Member States, as well as other dignitaries. The session will also see representatives from the International Year of Light Steering Committee provide a brief overview of the objectives and themes of the year, the anniversaries …
The 58th international scientific conference for students of physics and natural sciences “Open Readings 2015″ is searching for support!
The conference will take place from 24-27 March 2015. It is a non-profit event each year attracting promising young scientists of physics and natural sciences from all over the world (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, USA, Serbia, etc.) Students’ Scientific Association of Vilnius University Faculty of Physics, expects over 200 participants this year and even more visitors.
This conference continues a series of plasma physics conferences organized by the EPS Plasma Physics Division covering the wide field from nuclear fusion research to low temperature plasmas, as well as space and astrophysical plasmas.
The venue of the 42nd EPS conference will be in Centro Cultural de Belem, located between the famous Jerónimos Monastery and Belém Tower, in Lisbon, Portugal.