
Featured in EPN

By . Published on 25 August 2014 in:
August 2014, Features, , , , ,

Most recent highlights from EPN:

Unravelling the mystery of the Earth magnetic field1
by Henri-Claude Nataf

Slow convective motions in the liquid iron core of the Earth give birth to its magnetic field. How do these motions get organized under the combined effects of the Coriolis and Lorentz forces? Lab experiments reveal a peculiar behaviour. They also suggest that we need to reconsider what turbulence means in these conditions. Our better understanding of the dynamics of the core, and ever more precise observations have led to the recent discovery of a spectacular phenomenon: the propagation of torsional Alfvén waves, which jerk the core every 3-4 years.

Mental ability and common sense in an artificial society2
by Krzysztof Malarz and Krzysztof Kułakowski

Having equally valid premises pro and contra, what does a rational human being prefer? The answer is: nothing. We designed a test of this kind and applied it to an artificial society, characterized by a given level of mental ability. A stream of messages from media is supplemented by ongoing interpersonal communication. The result is that high ability leads to wellbalanced opinions, while low ability produces extreme opinions.

Giant impact: accretion and evolution of the Moon3
by J. Geiss, M.C.E. Huber and A.P. Rossi

Our planetary system has not always been as serene as it appears to us today. Exploration of the Moon has shown that disastrous collisions and violent epochs have occurred in the early part of its history. Indeed, a collision of the Earth with another planet – the Giant Impact – is the most widely accepted theory for the origin of the Moon. Several hundred million years later, Moon and Earth received a Late Heavy Bombardment that created the large basins on the Moon and must have devastated the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the Earth.

  1. Henri-Claude Nataf. 2014. Unravelling the mystery of the Earth magnetic field. EPN, Vol. 45, No. 4. DOI: 10.1051/epn/2014401 []
  2. Krzysztof Malarz and Krzysztof Kułakowski. 2014. Mental ability and common sense in an artificial society. EPN, Vol. 45, No. 4. DOI: 10.1051/epn/2014402 []
  3. J. Geiss, M.C.E. Huber and A.P. Rossi. 2014. Giant impact: accretion and evolution of the Moon. EPN, Vol. 45, No. 4. DOI: 10.1051/epn/2014403 []

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Executive and Staff activity for July 2014

The EPS works to support its members. Find below the list of activities of the EPS Executive Committee and staff for July 2014:

  • 1 July: J. Dudley, EPS President, represented EPS at the 60th anniversary of CERN at UNESCO HQ in Paris, France, and met with UNESCO officials to provide an update on IYL2015 preparations
  • 7-8 July: C. Rossel EPS President-elect gave the opening speech at the conference...
