SESAME progressing
The Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East [SESAME] is a “third-generation” synchrotron light source being constructed in Jordan. SESAME, the Middle East’s first major international research centre, is a cooperative venture by scientists and governments of the region. It is being developed under the auspices of UNESCO. At the Council meeting of 12-13 November 2012, SESAME Council Members, and scientific and technical staff discussed progress in building and operating the SESAME synchrotron.
Immediately prior to the Council meeting, the 10th SESAME Users’ meeting was held in Amman from 7 to 9 November 2012. The meeting was well attended, and more than 100 scientists and researchers from SESAME region took part. This was a unique users’ meeting due to the fact that participants from all SESAME members (Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey) were present. Several participants who attended the meeting came from countries other than SESAME members, including Algeria, Congo, Kuwait, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, and Yemen.
The full report is available on SESAME website.