Science Cafés: conversation about science and scientists
The “science café” is a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee or tea, people can learn about the latest news in science and technology. Meetings can take place in cafés, restaurants and even theaters, but always outside the traditional academic setting.
Science cafés bring together members of the general public and scientists and science writers in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere, to talk about science in a completely informal way. Once the experts have provided a short introduction to the topic, the audience actively participates, through questions and discussions, led by a moderator.
During the two meetings, organized by Cosenza EPS Young Minds Section, four guests, Professors Giancarlo Susinno, Raffaele Vena, Riccardo Barberi and Dr. Vincenzo Bruno animated discussions on two topics: “How Physics students have changed over the years”, and “Autonomy of scientific thought in modern democracy”.
Science cafés, which are very popular in many European Universities aim to spread scientific culture to the general public. Spending time in cafés and talking to friends is part of the daily life in many European countries. Therefore, this kind of initiative, combining persons meetings and web dissemination, represents a low cost and high impact method for scientific dissemination.
More information can be found on the event Facebook page.