European Physical Society a STEPS THREE partner
The European Physical Society has become a partner in the third Stakeholders Tune European Physics Studies [STEPS3] network. The project, spanning 2012-15, will bring together 60 institutions – representing 31 European countries – in order to gather input from stakeholders in European physics education.
The aim of the project is to increase the number and quality of physics graduates within Europe and, in consequence, the economic impact of physics. Working groups will investigate topics grouped under three themes: “the physics graduate for the 21st century”, “lifelong learning for the 21st century” and “attractiveness of physics”.
The network aims to continue the work of its predecessors: STEPS TWO, which ran from 2008-11; STEPS, which ran from 2005-08; and the European Physics Education Network, which ran from1996-2003. The final report from STEPS TWO was recently published, and can be downloaded from the network’s website.
The network, which has recently been proposed to the European Commission, is being undertaken under the coordination of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, together with the Italian Physical Society and the universities of Eindhoven, Udine and Strathclyde.