The 16th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces [ICSFS16] is being held on 1-6 July 2012, at the of the University of Genoa’s Faculty of Architecture, in Italy.
Topics under discussion include: bio-functionalization and sensing; carbon based nanostructures and grapheme;catalysis and surface reactions; films for photovoltaic applications; film growth; fuel cells and hydrogen storage; insulator and oxide surfaces and films; magnetism and spintronics; mechanical characterization and tribology; metallic films; novel and emerging methods; photonics, plasmonics and magnetoplasmonics; polymers films; self-assembled films; semiconductors and hybrid films; and Superconducting films, interfaces and surfaces.
The deadline for paper submission is 24 February. For more information, and for conference registration, please visit the ICSFS16 website.